We are investigating the possible haunting of a residence in Hemet, Ca. Our client would like to remain anonymous so we will not be disclosing the exact location within the city.
The client states that they have experienced episodes of sleep paralysis and heard voices calling their name. Almost all the reported incidents occurred within the bedroom.
In order to provide an accurate scientific investigation into the subject I will be recording video, sound, emf, and thermal readings. I will also be investigating over the course of a few nights. Last night was the first. I spent the night with video recording me. Throughout the night I personally didn't feel anything. There was only one incident of something odd happening. It was recorded in my log.
From the log
01/18/09 11:36 pm
Tried to light a candle with my zippo. Zippo will not light. I tried a dozen times to no avail. Was working fine earlier in the day. No sign of it going out. Will check it in the morning.
01/19/09 7:22am
Went over overnight video. There was nothing of any significance on the video picture wise. Audio will be tested separately.
!!Tested Zippo. Worked fine this morning. This is quite odd. Zippo's don't just act like they are out of fuel at night, then work fine the next morning. Unsure of the implications of this.!! *edit* Lighter worked fine this morning until 12 noon when it ran out of fuel. Possibility that it means nothing. *edit*
Tonight I will record the room with it empty. Perhaps I, being a stranger, was preventing something from happening.
Results so far: Inconclusive
Good luck sir, I am rooting for you. I'm a big fan.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your support. More updates coming soon.
ReplyDeleteLast night's investigation was postponed by the client. They have told us they will let us start up again most likely tonight.
ReplyDeleteLast nights investigation yielded no results. The most significant thing to happen was one of our team members felt like there was a presence, but EMF and EVP readings were negative. Thermal was not used due to interference issues.
ReplyDeleteOne of our members proposed that the client might be the center of the issue. The client has a greed to let us run our equipment with them in the room tonight. Hopefully we find out something for the client tonight.