Friday, January 22, 2010

Investigation of the Haunted Bedroom PT.2

So after three nights of investigation, we have compiled our findings and taken them to our client. The client complained of experiencing sleep paralysis, hearing voices, and cold spots(the cold spots were mentioned after we posted the case on the blog).

We only had two anomalies during or investigations. One was the lighter on the first night, which can be explained leaving little doubt as to it having run out of fuel, and the other was one of the team believed they had felt a presence on the second night.

As far as our equipment goes, video showed nothing, audio showed nothing, and EMF showed nothing. Thermal at first showed signs of cold spots, however, we were able to debunk that when we found that the cold was coming from poorly insulated windows.

As far as the sleep paralysis, we found on our third night of footage that the client was a restless sleeper. It is very possible that the sleep paralysis is an effect of a sleeping disorder. We advised them to see their doctor to find if that is truly an issue or not.

Our Findings: No evidence to support a haunting.

We instructed the client that while we believe the house is not haunted, if they feel uncomfortable or things continue to happen, they can call us. We can investigate again and/or get them the help they may need.

John Black
Paranormal Detective

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ghosts of Children Photographed

The ghosts of two children were apparently photographed in a cemetery in Picton, NSW, Australia. The apparent ghosts are believed to be the apparitions of two local children who died more than 60 years apart.Personally, the photo seems questionable to me, especially the ghost on the right. I would like to hear what a professional has to say after examining the photo. Click here to read the full story.

John Black
Paranormal Detective

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Investigation of the Haunted Bedroom

We are investigating the possible haunting of a residence in Hemet, Ca. Our client would like to remain anonymous so we will not be disclosing the exact location within the city.

The client states that they have experienced episodes of sleep paralysis and heard voices calling their name. Almost all the reported incidents occurred within the bedroom.

In order to provide an accurate scientific investigation into the subject I will be recording video, sound, emf, and thermal readings. I will also be investigating over the course of a few nights. Last night was the first. I spent the night with video recording me. Throughout the night I personally didn't feel anything. There was only one incident of something odd happening. It was recorded in my log.

From the log
01/18/09 11:36 pm
Tried to light a candle with my zippo. Zippo will not light. I tried a dozen times to no avail. Was working fine earlier in the day. No sign of it going out. Will check it in the morning.

01/19/09 7:22am

Went over overnight video. There was nothing of any significance on the video picture wise. Audio will be tested separately.

!!Tested Zippo. Worked fine this morning. This is quite odd. Zippo's don't just act like they are out of fuel at night, then work fine the next morning. Unsure of the implications of this.!! *edit* Lighter worked fine this morning until 12 noon when it ran out of fuel. Possibility that it means nothing. *edit*

Tonight I will record the room with it empty. Perhaps I, being a stranger, was preventing something from happening.

Results so far: Inconclusive

Saturday, January 16, 2010

El Chupacabra strikes again

Earlier last week( week of Jan 10-Jan 16), a farm in Texas had 30 animals mysteriously killed overnight. The only evidence in the slaughters was the typical two hole bite mark claimed to be that of the Chupacabra. Authorities are at a loss to explain the event.

Other interpretations of the event are circling around the net including vampires and aliens. Whatever the answer is, it seems that it lies within the realm of the unexplained.

John Black
Paranormal Detective